Change IS an Inside Job

Well good for us! It seems that women did come out in force – and 56% of us voted for change. No matter which side of the political fence you were on, I hope you are now able to appreciate the enormous opportunity that lies before us. Now is a time to put aside our differences and focus on our similarities. Just like midlife, this time in our collective history can also be an opportunity for a fresh start.

And there is no need to wait until January 20 to begin this change!

I’ve been thinking about what I might do. How can I help turn things around? If I truly believe that world peace begins with inner peace, then I know that my first order of business is to become more conscious of how I show up for my life everyday.

My intention is to BE: mindful, kinder to myself and others, more tolerant and more loving as we all struggle to do the best we can, given what we know at any given time.

The more joy we bring to our daily lives, the more it impacts those around us. That’s a change we can all benefit from right away!

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