Midlife Musings

As I move further into midlife, I find I am looking differently at the things that have given my life value for so many years. My nurturing gene has somehow been switched to neutral, and I sometimes resent the household demands on my time. I’m no longer looking for my “other half” (can you believe we once thought it was somewhere outside ourselves?) …finally accepting that I am whole unto myself. I’m no longer searching for security and fulfillment in the material world. I’m moved to find ways to make a difference beyond my immediate family. I’m no longer consumed with my appearance; no one could call me high maintenance these days! I know the difference between quality and quantity.

Despite my own creature comforts and career success, I know it’s neither the things I possess nor my achievements that bring about the deepest sense of inner peace and fulfillment. How about you? Have you had similar realizations? What brings you peace and a sense of fulfillment these days?

2 Responses to “Midlife Musings”

  1. Kelly Says:

    I have found at the age of 40, that I am more satisfied with a quiet house and a good book to read more than I ever was–and I am an avid reader! It’s nice to know that someone else feels the same things I do and that I’m not a neglectful mother/grandmother, I just would like some time. I am definately not high maintenance, but I do care about my appearance–but clothing is not the be-all of me. Simple is how I like it–dont even have cable. Uncluttered also. All that “stuff” just doesnt work for me anymore. I just ended 20 years of marriage, which is unfortunate–but I have learned more of who I am in the past 2 years than I have in the previous 38. The next 40 years are going to be better!

  2. admin Says:

    Thanks for your comments Kelly – grasping the importance of simplicity at 40 is ahead of the game! I think we all care about our appearance. I find that as I grow older, it’s just not as pivotal to my sense of self as it once was. For many of us, it’s a shift of focus from our packaging to our essence.
    You have a wonderful opportunity to ground yourself in “who you are”. Grieve what you have lost, so you can move on to celebrate the woman you’ve become.

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